The Moraine Valley 荣誉项目 experience is not about doing more work or taking harder classes.

而不是, 重点是做更有吸引力的工作, involves interaction with your talented peers and makes clear connections between the classroom and the real world.

Aside from the benefits of taking exciting classes with outstanding students, the 荣誉项目 also features low student-to-faculty ratios for Honors classes, 优先注册,以确保您得到最好的时间表,为您的需要.

荣誉项目 participants recognition on your transcript and at the graduation ceremony and enjoy scholarship opportunities and competitive advantages when transferring to a university. 参与者还享受当地的社交活动和旅行机会, 州和全国学生会议.


  • Restored native plant species in local forest preserves in Honors Environmental Science
  • Surveyed student motivation in Honors Psychology and Honors Probability and Statistics courses and presented the findings at the Honors Council of Illinois Conference
  • 参观了阿贡国家实验室的荣誉化学
  • Attended world-class theatrical performances in downtown Chicago in Honors Theater Appreciation




3.2 .高中GPA最低综合ACT成绩25分



你需要完成9个学分的课程,至少3个学分.2累积绩点. 申请项目入学, students meet with the 荣誉项目 Manager to fill out a brief application and to learn more about how the 荣誉项目 can fit with their overall educational plans and goals. 访问 MVConnect 有关如何申请的更多信息.

Once you are admitted to the program, you'll be able to register for the courses listed. 每个小组的注册人数限制为20或25名学生.

每学期,荣誉课程提供各种各样的课程. Students are encouraged to use the schedules to plan ahead so they are able to take at least one Honors course per semester. The Honors courses they take can help them earn credit in the various general education requirement areas of the associate degree.

soc - 101 - 160社会学概论在线在线K. Blahusiak
- 105 - 160剧院欣赏星期二和星期四2 - 4 p.m.C. 罗森

bio - 111 - 160普通生物学I周一和周三9 - 11:45 a.m.K. Borgstrom
com - 102 - 160作文二世在线在线E. DeVillez
com - 103 - 160 语音基础星期二和星期四11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.K. Appelquist
m - 152 - 160微积分III/解析几何在线在线B. Kurth
psc - 110 - 160美国国家政府星期二和星期四12:30 - 1:45 p.m.D. Schreck
小组- 101 - 160心理学概论星期二和星期四2 - 3:15 p.m.N. Shizas
- 107 - 160电影欣赏在线在线M. 香农


It's a specially designed academic path exclusively for high-achieving students. Honors-only sections of key courses emphasize critical thinking and interpretation skills with creative problem-solving. 你对学习的热爱在整个课程中得到培养, 给你一个有益的经历,为你的未来做准备.

我的目标是转到另一所GPA高的学校. 我为什么要上荣誉班?

Because you'll be graded according to the same standards as in a traditional course. You'll just have different experiences in and out of the classroom―experiences that will demonstrate to the institution you transfer to that you've got what it takes to succeed there as a junior.


You'll also be given assistance in building a portfolio to help you transfer to a four-year school after graduation. 除了, there are social events with other honors students and faculty members.


荣誉课程并不是简单地“堆积”额外的作业. 由于学习者的数量不同,这项工作本身也不同, 你将成为其中的一员, 有不同的需求. 例如, 在课堂上,通常会有很多讲座, 你可能会发现你们之间有更多的互动, 其他学生和老师. If a traditional class typically evaluates students by way of a multiple-choice exam, you'll find that the honors section will adopt a different approach to assessing what you've learned, 比如通过你的作品集. Another difference is that you'll be more responsible for your learning (no quizzes to test you've read the chapter), and with that responsibility comes a number of perks: you'll get to teach others, 例如, 或者为课程本身的设计提供输入. 如你所见, the difference between honors and non-honors are qualitative rather than quantitative.




No. Students who complete 19 honors credit hours (including completion of at least one learning community) prior to graduation are recognized as 荣誉项目 Scholars. Students can complete as few as 9 honors credit hours to receive recognition as an 荣誉项目 participant.


如果你刚进入冰碛谷, you'll need to meet two of the following requirements to enroll in the 荣誉项目:

  • a 3.高中时的平均绩点2分
  • ACT成绩25分或SAT成绩1050分(综合成绩)
  • 完成至少一门AP课程,成绩为A或B (AP成绩为4)
  • 以高中班级前10%的成绩毕业

如果你是在读学生, you need to meet the following prerequisites to enroll in the 荣誉项目:

  • 完成9个小时的大学水平课程,成绩为3.2平均绩点
  • 或者,你的导师的推荐信.

我在高中上过先修课程. 我怎么知道我能挣多少学分?

Moraine Valley will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the Advanced Placement Examinations. Current equivalencies are maintained by the Records and Registration department.


是的! 你会在大学成绩单上得到特别认可. This certainly will benefit you as you prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university. 除了, 荣誉项目 graduates are acknowledged during the college's annual commencement ceremony.


你需要先填写大学录取表格. 然后填写荣誉课程的单独申请. 作为我们申请过程的一部分, you'll need to present us with verification that you meet the enrollment requirements. 一旦你这样做了,你就有资格注册荣誉课程.


因为学校是开放澳门网上真人赌博官网的, you can submit your application to the 荣誉项目 as soon as you apply to the college itself. 荣誉课程的入学人数有限, 所以你越早申请, 你就能越早注册.




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